Friday, March 23, 2012

Here's the same location from 2 different views, as close as you can be to Buenos Aires' famous landmark.
This is in a mall in Buenos Aires.  I've read online that these only exist in 2 countries - Argentina and Israel.

This was near the train station in Tigre, Argentina.  This location near the river is beautiful!
Right by the main square in Puebla, Mexico is a McDonald's...Do you see it? (its under the yellow buiding)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Later during my trip to Spain I came across this McDonald's at the train station in Seville and thought the architecture was awesome.  I like how McDonald's is blending in with the local scene and looks like almost any sidewalk cafe.
First picture of a Mcdonalds seen on my travels: Madrid! I'm not really sure where in Madrid this was but I thought it was interesting seeing a Mcdonalds mixed in with a regular apartment building so I took a picture.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

this is also a test.  it will show mexico city.
I love to take pictures. LOTS of pictures.  While some pictures are of the usual famous landmarks or stunning scenery, other pictures are of things that may go ignored.  I took pictures of things that were different from back home, and there was something that was interestingly present where ever I went...McDonald's!

The McDonald's in the US are seemingly similar, which is expected.  That is what is reassuring about McDonalds...everywhere you go you know that it will be like the one you know, like a little piece of home.  But traveling I noticed something interesting; while it was true that ordering a Big Mac in Spain was like ordering a Big Mac in the US, sometimes there were local adaptations.  A teriyaki McChicken or a Curry Cheeseburger in Japan? WOW. The food makes local adaptations, but so do the locations. Its kind of become a ritual for me to go and try the unique menu items in other countries and see the way that McDonald's has integrated to the landscape.

I didn't start taking pictures consciously, I was very interested in the way that McDonald's has tried to fit in to the local scene. It wasn't until recently that I realized how many pictures of McDonald's I had taken and decided to share them incase anyone else is interested.